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Second Project Consortium Meeting

On 4th February 2020, ShikiFactory100 partners met in Delft, Netherlands for the project's second consortium meeting. Attended by 33 representatives from 11 partnering organisations, the meeting discussed updates from the first year of the project. 

About The Meeting

ShikiFactory100 partners met together for the first time since the project's first consortium meeting in Braga, Portugal, September 2019. A total of 33 representatives joined together in Delft to present updates from the first year of the ShikiFactory100 project and to discuss upcoming deliverables and planned next steps for all work packages. 

The meeting was organised  by DSM and hosted at their Biotechnology Campus in Delft. As part of this meeting, ShikiFactory100 partners were invited on a tour of DSM's state-of-the-art Biotechnology Centre lab facilities, providing valuable insight to consortium members about DSM's capabilities and their capacity to assist partners throughout the project. 

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